久しぶりの自転車!で、近所の神社に初詣に行った 手を合わせて 目を閉じて。家族の今年の風景を、空気で色で思い描くのはいつものこと 弟がぐんぐん進んでいる今年は、去年よりも自分がたくさん描けそう・・・と、思ったら、、甥っ子が出てきた!そうだー今年は幼稚園かあ、、なあんて具合にね 家族や自分を思い描いた今年の色は、風の色だった 透明な すこし、ブルーがかった いくらにも変化する色 そうね ちょっと、わからないよね。でも、楽しみだよね! 自分で自分を信じないとね。 I went to the shrine in my neighborhood, by bicycle... (riding him!, was a long time since I had been abroad!) Folding hands together and closing eyes, I thought what should my family be doing this year...by imagining an atomosphere or colors around us, as usual. At that time, colors of the atmosphere in my mind was the color of a wind, that was transparent, just bluish, and able to be changed however I wished. Yes, it really is...nobody could know that. So that, we are looking forward to our future! I'd like to believe myself. そう。 ねえ、デニー。 サンパウロのユースホステルを出る夜、ギターを弾きながら みんなで信仰するものについて、話したでしょう。やっぱり私は英語ではうまくキモチを伝えられないから 伝えたいことを話し出せなくて、それがずっと 残っていたんだ 神社の階段を下りながら 私はやっぱり、あの時の空気の中に戻っていたんだ 今さらだけども 聞いてくれるかなあ 私の、かんがえ。つたない英語だけれども・・・ Hey, Denny. We all talked together about our religions at the last night in Sao Paulo, playing guiter. Though I, really, couldn't express myself in English well, I wasn't be able to trying to talk about my thought. That had been still in my mind, untill now, now and then... Hey, do you listen to me trying to talk about my thinking, how my “religion” is like? It's too late or not...? Of course, it's to my thought, and also needless to say, I should be sorry for my poor English... 今夜は 韓国の石鍋でぐつぐつ煮込んだベトナムのフォー。調子に乗って、煮込み過ぎー! 今年は寒いって すごくたくさん重ね着して出かけたけれど・・・あんまり寒いって感じない これってパリが寒すぎたから?まだ、本当の東京の寒さを味わっていないのかなあ! たぶん こたえはすぐに、風がおしえてくれるのだろうけれども・・・! Tonight, I made PHO, Vietnamese noodle, in Korean stone stewpot. Letting myself... I stewed it too much...! This year, everyone say that it's too cold in Japan... but I still haven't felt like that. Did I get used to cold weather in Paris already ? Haven't I felt the real cold weather in Tokyo yet...?? Maybe, I'll know it soon, by cold wind...!
by acomino.cocoro
| 2006-01-05 23:59
| 季節のこと。
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