ご近所友だちがさそってくれて、お昼ごはんを食べに行きました。天気のいい空が気持ちよくて、久しぶりのおしゃべりをしながら 並んで自転車を走らせた 着いたのは、東松原の"無悟"。自然食のごはん屋さん。ひじきや古代味噌の3種類の玄米ごはんに、からりと揚げられた野菜の天婦羅に煮物、和え物、さしみこんにゃく。大切にゆっくり食べられるご飯。 I went for lunch with my neighbor, thanks for her to invite me. It was so fine day that we were riding bicycle with a talk, with clear pleasant sky. The restaurant was of natural foods " Mugo", at Higashimatsubara, Tokyo. The lunch were brown rice, natural vegetable dishes; tempura, boiled, poached and dressed with seasonings or something and raw konnyaku; a gelatinous food made from devil's-tongue starch. I savored the blessings of nature leisurely. 友達がお店の方とお話しして席を外している間に、、ふいに 考えが 外に出た "無悟"って、般若心経にあったかなあ・・般若心経、四十九日までみんなで読んだなあ・・・ ああ、、今日、お父さんの誕生日だ 食べること、飲むこと、生きること。 朝起きて、ご飯を食べて家族と過ごして、夜になったら寝る そんな当たり前の暮らしが、どんなに大切でどんなに有難いことなのかを、教えてくれた Suddenly I meditated something...while my friend was leaving. "Mugo"..., is it a word in the sutra; hannyashingyo ? We, my family red the sutra for the forty-nine days after death; a period when the soul wanders between this world and the next. ...Ah, today is my father's birthday...! We are eating, drinking...that's because we are alive. Waking up in the morning, having a meal, spending with a family, and getting a sleep at night...such an everyday life were such an important, thankful, we have realized by him. 父の六十五回目の、いなくなって四度目の誕生日を、ゆっくりゆっくりご飯を食べてお茶を頂いて、ゆったりとした食事の時間を過ごすことが出来て、よかった ここに連れてきてくれてありがとう My heart was so full because I could have a relaxed mealtime; a life, at my father's 65th(4th after death) birthday... I appreciate for somebody taking me here, to feel my father's- deeply... and I also wanna thank you for my neighbor, the madam of the restaurant, and my father.
by acomino.cocoro
| 2006-01-11 23:59
| 暮らしのこと。
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